Friday, December 29, 2006

~~~dOctOr at wOrk~~~

The next day at his clini...

~~~hOme schOOling~~~


~~~ pappu passed at last ~~~


Thursday, December 28, 2006

~~~Indian Independence - A Memoir ( V e r y R a r e P h o t o g r a p h s )~~~

Aug. 15, 19 47: Mountbatten swears Nehru in as Prime Minister of India TRAIN TO PAKISTAN; India 1947. Trains packed with refugees - Hindus and Sikhs headed for India, and Muslims headed for Pakistan - were convenient targets for gangs of killers on both sides of the border. Inadequately protected 'Refugee Specials' were typically stopped, and the occupants butchered, several times in the course of the journey.The dead - Punjab, 19471971: Indira Gandhi reviews the troops, in the context of militaryand diplomatic preparations for the Bangladesh War.Ghandhiji Addressing peopleNehru and Gandhi at AICC meeting, July 1946Mountbatten arrives at...

~~~wOnderfull mOments of 2OO6~~~


Saturday, December 23, 2006

~~~nature and animals at their best~~~


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